How Does Weight Training Help You Lose Weight

When you talk to personal trainers, they often tell you how critical weight training is for weight loss. How is it that lifting weights, which is also called weight training, strength training or cross training, helps you to lose weight? The way that it helps you lose weight is that it lowers your BMI which stands for your basal metabolic index. Your BMI is the rate that you burn calories when you are resting or doing nothing. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, you need to dramatically increase the amount of muscle that you have so that you can burn more calories when you are sitting or sleeping or doing light activities.
Weight training might initially have you gain some weight, since muscle weighs more than fat, so don't be alarmed if at first you don't see the weight coming off quickly. You will want to pay more attention to how you are fitting in your clothes and how many inches or bulges you are losing so you can measure your progress more effectively.
You also want to be conscious about not eating or drinking things that will slow your metabolism such as drinking a lot of coffee or soda as well as cutting back on the amount of processed foods you are eating. Ideally you are drinking just water or maybe freshly squeezed juices from fruit or vegetables. Don't be fooled by the sports drinks or processed fruit juices since those are pasteurized or contain huge amounts of sugar and chemicals which are very damaging to your metabolism and can make you gain weight.
Always put your glasses on and look at the back label's small print to see what they actually put in these drinks since they are often filled with lots of sugar. The labeling of the drinks is very deceptive so never trust the marketing messages in the front but just skip to the back and become proficient in reading and understanding ingredients and labels.
For strength training you need to make sure to stretch properly before you get started so you don't rip or tear muscles or tendons. You also need to do a light warm up of walking or running in order to pump up your cardiovascular system first. You never want to do more weight than you can handle, when you are first starting out. Focus on being able to do more moves with the weights and holding them for a longer time. Repeating the movements and holding them for a longer time is what helps to build up muscle strength.

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how the apple helps to lose weight

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...
Apples are an all-American success story-each of us eats more than 19 pounds of them annually. Français : Les pommes sont célèbres en Amérique pour une alimentation équilibrée (8,6 kg annuellement). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"An apple a day helps keep the doctor away" is how the old proverb goes.   I'm not sure how that saying originated, but it is more true than most people know.  Unfortunately, most people treat apples like they're still the forbidden fruit that helped exile man from the Garden of Eden.   Nonetheless, eating apples can help you achieve your weight loss goals, as well as a host of other benefits.
Here are some of the health benefits of eating apples:
  • Weight Loss - One study found that women who ate 3 apples a day lost more weight while dieting than women who didn't (more on this in a moment).
  • Bone Protection - Apples contain a flavanoid called phloridzin than can help prevent osteoporosis and may increase bone density.  Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones
  • Asthma Help - One study found that asthmatic children who drank apple juice daily suffered from less wheezing than those who didn't.  As well, children born to pregnant women who ate apples have lower rates of asthma.
  • Lower Cholesterol - Due to the pectin they contain, people who consume 2 or more apples a day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
  • Alzheimer's Protection - It has been found that the quercetin in apples may protect the brain from free radical damage, which many believe lead to Alzheimer's.
  • Lung Cancer Protection - In a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer.  Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin found in apples.
  • Breast Cancer Prevention - A Cornell study found that rate who ate a single apple a day may reduce their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent  Rats that ate 3 apples a day reduced their risk by 39 percent!
  • Colon Cancer Protection - Rats that were fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer.  Other research shows that pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
  • Liver Cancer Prevention - Rats fed an apple skin extract had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
  • Diabetes Management - The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the need of insulin and can help in the management of diabetes.

That's a pretty impressive list of health benefits from eating apples, don't you think?  But I know what you're thinking.  How can I use apples to lose weight, and get the above benefits as well?
Here's what you need to do.  Eating an apple a day is definitely good for you, but eating 3 apples a day is what will really get the job done.  Ideally you will want to eat an apple about 30 minutes before each major meal.  Not only will this help to satiate you so that you will eat less, but I suspect that it helps to prepare your body for the food that is going to follow.  Your body can then more easily absorb the nutrients it needs, and get rid of the rest.  Try this apple method and let me know how it goes.  I suspect that within 2 weeks you will agree with me that this is one of the best tips to lose weight ever.

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Lose Weight by Eating Apples

English: food , fruit , fruits , apple , apples
English: food , fruit , fruits , apple , apples (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
100 grams of apples only contain 23 calories. At the same time, apples are rich in fruit acid, pectin, dietary fiber and vitamin. Those substances can promote bowel movements, also it can accelerate detoxification. Still apples can increase full feeling and reduce your appetite. Apples are the best slimming edge tool. We can make different apple diet according to different age periods. Let's learn the most reasonable apples diet as bellow.
Apple yogurt salad for 18-20 years old girls
If you want to lose weight by eating apples. You must consider the exuberant metabolism and growth characteristics in this stage. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into small slices, then use yogurt as sauce and stir them well. Take this dish as a meal. Of course, the salad ingredients can be replaced by other fruits and vegetables. Except for apples, we can add some low heat seasonal fruits.
Apple abrosia diet for 20-22 years old girls
It takes a week as a treatment course.
Day 1, you can eat nothing but apples or paiyouji.
Day 2, you should avoid high heat food, eat more porridge without apples.
Day 3, you should eat nothing but apples or paiyouji at three meals.
Day 4, 6 repeat the eating method in Day 2
Day 5, 7 repeat the eating method in Day 3
Insist on the apple abrosia diet for a week, it can help you accelerate fat metabolism and expel toxin. After a week, you will find that it is not a big deal to lose 5 kg of weight.
Apple vinegar for 22-25 years old
After work, life is becoming more and more regular. But exercises amount is becoming smaller and smaller. For most time we have to work in office. Our metabolism begins to slow down. So it is easier to become fatter. At this stage, you had better not take advantage of abrosia diet, otherwise your work and life schedule will be broken. Girls can buy some sugar free apple vinegar, the condensed apple vinegar is better. Use warm water to dilute it and add some apple blocks in it. We can also drink vinegar while eating apples. This method can be used to replace dinner. After a month, you can easily lose 2-4 kg of weight.
Peanut apple sauce for 25- 28 years old
In this period, we need maintenance as well as losing weight. So some big changes should happen in apple diet. Peel off the apple skin and make apples into purees, stir well and add some crushed peanuts. This dish fully takes advantage of apples' slimming effect, peanuts are nutrient ingredients. Matching peanuts with apples can increase the nutrition in this dish. This dish increases our full feeling. Use peanut apple sauce to replace dinner, insist on for a month, your weight will decrease 2-5 kg.

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10 fast tips to aid you lose weight

English: Image of ribs with lean muscles. Seen...
English: Image of ribs with lean muscles. Seen are the majority of ribs. Visible are the Spareribs connected with major loin muscles (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
1) Ditch the 3 huge meals a day and eat 5-6 small meals about 2-3 hours apart. This will help to keep your metabolism racing, thereby burning more calories efficiently.
2) Plan, Plan, Plan. Plan your meals the day before and have them ready to go so you don't get caught out and are forced to buy a less than healthy alternative from your local take away. Stock up on Tupperware containers, do a big grocery shop at the beginning of the week and prepare all your meals and snacks ahead of time.
3)AUGMENT your protein intake at each meal. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer and assists in producing lean muscle mass. the more lean muscle mass on your body the more calories your body burns everday.
4) If it's white let it sole. This means rice, bread and pasta. Always go brown. The whiter the food the more it's been processed and the quicker it converts to sugar in your blood stream. Choose brown as it's closer to it's original healthy state and will contain more nutrients and release energy into your blood stream slowly over time.
5 DRAIN the supple drink and consume water instead, it will help reduce toxins in your body. Also, most soft drinks contain over a days worth of recommended sugar intake in one can. Nasty.
6) Do some weight training at least twice a week. Ladies it won't make you huge, but you will get leaner and tighter. Remember all the benefits of lean muscle mass we discussed in tip 3? Weight training will help to increase your lean muscle mass
7) Find a workout/weight loss buddy to help keep you motivated. Two are always better than one.
8) Eat off a smaller plate. Studies show the less food you can see in front of you, the less you will eat.
9) Forget "fat free." More often than not it is loaded with sugar to make it taste good. Just enjoy your food the way it was originally intended to be eaten.
10) And finally, be positive in your self talk, you are NOT a fat cow, you are an amazing person, capable of achieving anything, including losing a few kilos.

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5 Fast Tips To Lose Weight Before Summer

Summer is right around the corner and that means we will all be breaking out the shorts, t-shirts, and bathing suits in a couple of short months. That also means that many people are looking to lose those last 10 to 20 pounds before summer breaks into full swing.
There isn't much time but the good thing is that the warm weather is very motivating and naturally leads to better eating and more exercise.
Here are 5 fast tips you can follow to shed pounds before summer time hits:
1. Eat a salad every day. Let's keep it simple and sane. The best way for you to lose weight and the easiest way is to fill your body up with vegetables. Having a salad as one main meal a day or two side salads a day is a quick and convenient way to fill your stomach with volume. The pounds come off without a thought.
2. Don't count calories, Count Fiber. Calories can be deceiving if you are only counting calories, but eating calorie-dense junk foods then you will be starving your body of nutrients and leaving yourself feeling exhausted and ready to quit. Instead of counting calories, count fiber grams. Aim for at least 35 grams a day and you will never feel hungry or get too many calories. Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and flax seeds are naturally low in calories.
3. Cut the empty calories. Empty calories from processed foods such as pastries, candy bars, and chips pack on the pounds without effort. These foods contain the terrible combination of fats, sugars and salt. This combination has been found to be highly addictive. There is truth to the saying "you can't eat just one potato chip."
4. Move more. You cannot out exercise a poor diet. However, exercise is a great way to accelerate your healthy weight loss. Aim to increase either your intensity (how hard you exercise) or duration (how long you exercise). Even an extra 10 minutes a day will get you to your goal faster.
5. See the prize at the end. Changing your diet and exercise habits comes with some effort and if you do not have a clear goal in mind you will likely lose interest and decide that you are fine where you are at. A goal must be something that truly inspires you and it helps to be specific. Do you have someone you vacation with every year that you want to look good for? Do you have a favorite pair of shorts that you want to fit into? You will know your goal is right when you feel inspired each time you think about it.

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3 Best Diet Journal Tips to Lose Weight Super Fast

When it comes to journaling your diet, putting this into practice by creating a brilliant diet journal will inspire you even further, making losing weight that much easier.
Below are considered probably the top 3 motivational dieting tips to add to your diet journal:
1. Diarize your thoughts and feelings:
This is very important and while it may come across as slight self-absorbing, it's important to be critical of your thoughts as in these emotions lies the answer to resolving any issues you may have, plus it also helps you understand the way you were dieting and the way you can change your diet for the long-term.
Take for example when you're feeling sad or lonely and at what time in the day, do you consume more food when you have these feelings as your diet plan will reveal.
If so you need to address these states of emotion and how they can be turned into a positive.
Consider hanging out and catching up with your friends more, or doing something new.
One great place for meeting new folks who have similar interests in your location is
May be it's astrology or animals that you have a fond interest in. This is just one website that you can use to your advantage and develop new friendships and advance your interests.
If however you feel you may need some professional help, don't be afraid to approach your local medical practitioner for advice.
2. Takedown number of Kg's you've lifted each session:
You should take down the amount in weight you've lifted each session and the amounts of reps you've completed.
This is important because you may find that you are now lifting more weights than you previously were, which means your muscle glycogen levels have increased, but you may find that you haven't in fact lost any weight.
Do not worry - the reasons for this are 2 fold.
a. It means that you've gained more leaner muscle mass - you are toning up!
b. A lean muscle mass means you will stay leaner for much longer, making putting on weight that much harder.
3. Take lots of pictures and print them out:
There's nothing like looking at how you looked a week ago and how you look now.
It may sound like a week won't reflect that much, but only we ourselves can see the little positive changes our body is undergoing.
Make sure you do this from the very start and it will provide endless inspiration.

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Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Are you struggling to get rid of your extra weight? It is time to develop an efficient weight loss program. Keep reading for some useful weight loss tips.
Do not spend your money on a weight loss method. There are hundreds of methods and diets to choose from, but the best way to get in shape is to develop a method that is adapted to your needs and goals. Besides, a lot of methods advertised as efficient and easy are actually not healthy. You should stay away from any weight loss method that requires you to eliminate food groups from your diet or eat less calories than your body needs.
Make some changes to your diet. If you have not already done so, you need to eliminate anything that causes weight gain. This means you should avoid fast food, fried foods and processed foods. Get rid of candy and salty snacks and replace all your favorite beverages with water. Always check the labels of the foods you purchase, and stay away from foods that are too rich in salt, sodium, fat, sugar or high-fructose corn syrup as well as preservatives.
Plan on eating three balanced meals a day. Each meal should include foods from the five food groups in reasonable quantities. If you do not have enough time to cook, you should prepare large quantities of food during the weekends and freeze them so you can take individual lunches to work. Go grocery shopping often, and get everything you need to prepare some healthy sandwiches and salads for when you are in a hurry. If you get hungry during the day, have a healthy snack or try eating five small meals throughout the day.
Your weight loss program will be more efficient if you exercise regularly. Start very slowly and focus on your core muscles to build resistance. You can develop your core muscles by doing some abs and some crunches at home. You can then try different cardio workouts to burn some calories and develop different workout routines that include exercises designed to target certain muscle groups. You could, for instance, tone your arms by doing some weight lifting or strengthen your legs by joining a kickboxing class.
Take all the time you need to make changes to your diet and to your lifestyle. If you try transforming your lifestyle overnight, you will have a hard time getting used to your program and will want to go back to your old habits. If you want your weight loss program to be successful, focus on one change at a time and give yourself enough time to get used to the new food or the exercise routine. Your goal is to transform your habits for good so you stay in shape.
Use these five weight loss tips to create a program that corresponds to your needs and goals. If you need help, go to your doctor or schedule an appointment with a nutritionist to talk about your weight loss program.

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3 Incredible Motivation Tips to Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, one of the most common things I hear all of the time is this:
"I'd love to lose weight, but I just don't have the motivation and the drive to do it!"
Sadly, this is a statement that is all too common in the modern world today. Saying this to yourself is like crushing your soul. You're already giving up before you even get started, so why even waste the time thinking about dropping a few pounds? With a mindset like this, it shouldn't be a surprise that weight loss is a battle that is hard-fought and tough to crack.
Giving Up Does More Harm Than Good
When you're faced with a challenge or conflict in life, giving up (or running away from the problem at hand) seems like the easiest way out - and it is. What many fail to realize is that while it might make you "feel better" at the time, the problem is still there. The longer you continue to avoid the issue, the worse things will get as time progresses. You will never move forward and will continue to remain stuck where you are until you decide to muster up the confidence to tackle those challenges now.
Don't even try to press the "easy button". It doesn't work and it never will. That probably doesn't leave you with a whole lot of hope if you're still not thinking twice about getting your tail in gear. Thankfully, we're going to make that all change right now!
How to Turn Things Around
There are a number of ways to increase your motivation to lose weight. The key is to remain consistent by implementing a variety of techniques that can help you stay focused on your task at hand. Lose that focus, and you risk your progress.
Worried about your lack of motivation lasting forever? Don't be. Instead, just check out these 3 incredibly effective ways to explode your motivation and help you keep your eye on the prize!
#1 - Break Down Goals into Smaller Chunks
If you want to get your motivation up and running, goal setting is crucial. However, it isn't as easy as just saying something along the lines of, "I'm going to lose 100 pounds in 6 months." While this can happen, setting a goal THAT big is an easy way to crush your motivation before you even get started. It's like staring at the peak of a mountain from the bottom and thinking only about reaching the peak, rather than the focusing on the steps you will take to get their first.
Making your goals more manageable is a matter of breaking them down into smaller chunks. If you're goal is to lose 100 pounds in 6 months, you know that 6 months is equivalent to roughly 26 weeks. If you take 100 and divide that by 26, you end up with a figure close to 3.87. That means in order to lose 100 pounds in 6 months, you would need to lose up to 3.87 pounds per week for a duration of 26 weeks. When you break it down like that, the climb up that mountain doesn't look so bad now, does it?
#2 - Don't Be Afraid to Reward Yourself
For some people, the reward of a healthier and better looking body isn't enough to get them in gear. That's why using an incentive can be a great way to give yourself that extra push.
The idea is simple - once you hit your target or goal, the incentive is yours to keep. Of course, it is up to you to choose how you want to setup your rewards and the goals you need to hit to get them.
The only way a reward will pay off and increase your motivation to get moving is if you stay true to your word and don't cave into temptation. Fortunately, there are ways around this for those who don't feel confident in sticking to their word. Websites like stickK give you the ability to challenge a group of friends or family and set "stakes" to hold you accountable for your goals. Miss out on your goal and you end up forking over some cash to a friend or charity. Meet your goal and the money is yours to keep. Wouldn't you stop putting off the gym and your clean eating if you knew that you had $100 on the line?
#3 - Join a Supportive Community
There is nothing better than having your own circle of support to help you through your ups and downs. That's why joining a supportive community (on or offline) with others who have similar goals and experiences can be one of the greatest tools to keep your motivation floored at all times. If you ever run into a situation where your focus is off or you're feeling down, talking with other members is enough to give you the courage to keep on keeping on.
Besides the incredible benefits of having a "sounding board" whenever you need it, joining a community gives you the opportunity to reach out and help others, too!
It's Your Time to Shine
Your weight loss journey is going to be filled with a number of highs and an equal amount of lows. No matter what happens, just remember these 3 motivational tips and put them to work. When you do, you will realize how easy it is to stick to your plan and make your goals and dreams become a reality!

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How Setting a Specific Goal Will Help You Lose Weight

There are hundreds of different tips and little tricks that will help people lose weight while dieting. One very simple tip that I would like to discuss in this article is how setting a very specific goal will help you lose more weight.
Setting a very specific goal will help you stay focused on losing weight. It will make sticking to your diet plan easier and it will help you avoid bad snacks or cheat meals as well. By having a specific goal and focusing on that throughout the day it will help keep your mind focused on the result and avoid the most common slip ups that occur while trying to lose weight.
Another benefit of setting a specific goal is that it will help keep you in a positive mental state. Many people say they feel miserable while trying to lose weight or that they are unhappy while on a diet. This will often cause them to quit whatever weight loss program they are on. If you are constantly thinking about the end result or your goal weight you will have a much easier time staying positive and you will not have thoughts of quitting before you reach that goal.
The best way to use this tip would be to write your very specific goal down on an index card and carry it around with you. Keep it on you at all times and read it as often as you can throughout the day. Read it aloud whenever you can. Read it when you first wake up and read it before you go to bed. The more you say it, read it and think about the clearer it will be in your mind and the easier it will be for you to reach your weight loss goal.
One last tip is to make sure you are very specific. It is okay to put down an exact weight that you want to reach or a dress you want to fit in or a pair of pants you would like to wear again. The more specific and concrete the goal is the better your results will be.
Just to review, remember that when you are trying to lose weight it is beneficial to set a specific weight loss goal. You should write it down and carry it with you. Doing so will help you stay positive, stay focused, avoid cheating or quitting and lead to better results.

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Lose Weight for Health and Beauty

It is a struggle for many people to lose weight. The topic has been part of the bulk of content in magazines and newspapers as well. It might help to look at articles online. Researching on the different possibilities to lose weight is necessary. Also, consulting a physician is important.
It is often said that the outside or the façade only reflects the inside. It is the content that determines how one appears to be. In order to lose weight and excess fat, and essentially to look good, one should take good care of his health. The same steps to satisfy one's vanity are the same steps that he should take to be considered healthy. The saying that "you are what you eat" is true. If you want to be fit and lean, eating healthy foods in the right amount, condition, and time is important.
The scare of malnutrition may push one too far and result to overeating. As an infant, people are only fed milk. As he becomes a toddler and grows to be a little child, he develops his own taste. Time will come when one reaches a certain age during which the he becomes choosy in his food intake. The child would have his food preferences and this might not give him enough of the nutrition he needs.
Parents might be alarmed and artificially induce the child's appetite or even resort to abusive practices such as making the child eat more than the normal amount of his or her favorite food. These practices abuse the body and result in unhealthy eating habits. Often, this leads to obesity or being overweight because of the large portions of the favored but not necessarily healthy food being consumed.
Children who have experienced this would have the need to lose weight and shift to a healthy lifestyle. This can only be achieved by eating what is truly needed by the body in the right amount. Green and leafy vegetables should be taken as well as juicy fruits as a source of vitamins and minerals.
The technique is to burn more calories. In order to lose weight, one must burn more calories than the amount taken in. Both exercise and good diet are important in reaching healthy weight levels. A good exercise program will depend on the person's physical condition as well as general attitude. Someone who loves to socialize might find it more effective to engage in an exercise program in a gym or with a group of people with similar weight loss goals.
Some people have ventured into becoming a vegetarian in their quest to lose weight. Vegetarians do not eat meat and fish. They include vegetables, grains, fruits, seeds, and at times eggs and dairy products in their diet. Protein is a natural substance made up of linked amino acids. It has fibrous structure but in some cases globular. It is necessary to be included in one's diet since it play a vital role in the proper functions and in maintaining the right structure of all living cells. Protein and the essential nutrients should be eaten for a healthy body, beautiful inside and out.

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Top 5 Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

A varied workout and combination of exercise and the right foods are the keys to living a healthy lifestyle. When you are healthy, you don't gain weight and if you are looking for some of the most effective exercises out there, then read on...
For an all-body workout swimming is great exercise for anyone who enjoys being in the water. Swimming is great for an arm workout but also works other muscle groups. The muscles it works in particular are: Your back, neck, shoulders, triceps, biceps, abs, calves, hamstrings and chest.
A good all a rounder which can burn 800 calories an hour whilst toning up any body parts you hate. For a varied workout, change the strokes so you can work different muscles.

A great way of getting out and about and enjoying some new scenery, this exercise is also a great way of burning a lot of fat and calories. Cycling as a group is a great social activity and going on family bike trips even means you are able to spend time with your loved ones as well as exercising.
When you are on cycling, you can burn between 500 and 1000 calories an hour, depending on how fast you go or how hard you're pedalling. If cycling outdoors isn't your thing, then a stationary bike in the gym or at home is a great alternative. Cycling works all your leg muscles at once, plus helps you tone your core and upper body.


A great high impact exercise, walking, jogging or running are great for burning fat and calories. Walking fast you can burn 400 calories an hour, and is ideal for starting you off or getting you back into exercising. Running helps burn fat 4 times faster than walking however, so if you want to lose weight fast, running is better.

Weight Lifting

Losing body fat is the result of lifting weight. It not only improves your strength and tones up your muscles but also helps you lose weight too. A great exercise to add to your weight loss program, lifting weights can help you build muscle but is also a great way of stripping fat and toning up fast.

Dance and Aerobics

A really fun way of losing weight is dancing or taking an aerobics class like Zumba where you can burn about 600 to 800 calories an hour. It's a great way of having fun whilst working out which also means you're more likely to exercise for longer for a more effective workout!
Even though these exercises are all great, there are still a few things you must do if you are serious about losing weight:
• Never skip a meal - snack healthily if you're hungry to satisfy cravings. This
                                                                           stops your bo dy storing fat .                  
• Hydrate - drink plenty of water to stop hunger pangs and keep you fresh for a weekly exercise routine.
• Keep a record of diet and workout plans and stick to them!

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So You Need To Lose Weight!

Need to lose weight, but don't know where to start?... Maybe, like many other people, you've been able to ignore, and push away, the impending realization that you need to lose weight. But now, something has happened to make you realize it's time to do something about it! In my own case, it was a photograph of myself at a wedding, looking rather like a beached whale, which suddenly gave me the incentive!
So here you are, probably rather miserably, wondering where to start and what to do!
The first important thing is to know what not to do!
Be realistic!
The first mistake dieters make is having unrealistic expectations. You mustn't believe all the hype - there is no magic pill, and you are not going to lose 15lbs in one week just because the TV commercial says you can. Do not be taken in! There are hundreds of scam artists out there who are only after your money.
In fact, studies show that individuals who rapidly lose weight are more likely to gain it back. So actually, slower is better.
How does weight loss happen
You lose weight by using more energy, or calories, than you take in from food. This calorie deficit forces your body to use the fat that it has stored, and turn it into fuel that is used to maintain body functions. One pound of fat represents about 3,500 calories of stored energy, so obviously, to lose a pound you would have to cut 3,500 calories.
So where to start
The best and most important thing you can do is to track your food (and drink) intake by counting calories.
But you have to be honest! It's so easy to underestimate how much you're actually eating, even when you think you're tracking your food consistently. If you don't control your portion sizes, or if you tend to forget those little "extras" you eat during the day, you can easily add a few hundred uncounted calories to your daily total.
Are there any good diet programs that really work?
Yes, but you have to choose the one that will suit you! A sudden, drastic change to a severely restricted caloric intake is probably destined for failure.
If you want a diet that's going to make a real difference, you need to make sure you're well-informed. Pick a program or a method that you feel you'll be able to stick with, long-term, and understand that you need to make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life!

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Good and Healthy Way to Lose Weight Fast

There are a lot of diets out there, all of them with different names and characteristics. But, does this magic diet, that will end our weight problems without making us feel tired and overwhelmed, really exist? Well, I have found that this diet does exist.
To have a better understanding of this we have to realize that the human body is an adaptable machine and our metabolism is always looking for adaptation even in the most extreme conditions. Having said that, it is easy to affirm that we have to change our diet constantly in order to trick our metabolism and lose weight faster. Does it sound complicated? Trust me; it is not complicated at all.
We do this all the time without even notice it. We change our meals day by day. The problem is: we don´t know exactly what we are doing.
The best way to drop fat is by counting the calories per day that we eat everyday.
If you eat less calories per day than the necessary amount, you are going to lose weight. On the contrary, if you eat more calories per day than the necessary amount, you are going to reverse the results. It is as simple as that.
This is the secret the nutritionists, bodybuilders, and now regular people, like you and me, know. I have to say that with this method I have lost more than 50 pounds in less than three months.
Now that I have explained the ´what´, it is time for me to explain the ´how´.
How many calories a day to lose weight
This is in fact pretty simple. A basic rule that bodybuilders use all the time is to multiply your current weight by 15. The result is the amount of calories per day that your body needs to maintain your current weight. This is the amount of calories that you actually are eating every single day.
For example:
Let´s say that your current weight is 190 pounds.
Then the amount of calories per day that you have to eat to maintain your current weight will be:
190 x 15 = 2,850 calories per day
2,850 calories is the amount of calories needed to keep you current weight permanently.
What if I want to lose weight with this method? Simple. You only have to subtract 500 calories from this result and you will be losing weight in no time.
Let´s get back to the last example. If your weight is 190 pounds then the formula will be:
190 x 15 - 500 = 2,350 calories per day
2,350 calories per day is the amount of calories needed for you to lose weight.
Rinse and repeat
As I said at the beginning, your body will try to get used to this new regime, looking for adaptation. You will lose weight for a few days, then your body will adapt and you will stop losing weight. At this point you only have to repeat the formula.
Let´s say that your new weight is 180 pounds, the new amount of calories per day will be as follow:
180 x 15 - 500 = 2200 calories per day
If what you want is to gain some weight, although this is not the topic of this article, you only have to add 500 (instead of subtract) calories to the above formula.
The above method is recommended for people with more than 115 pounds. Do not eat less than 1,200 calories a day or your health will be in danger.
Idelfonso Alcides Duverge is very experienced doing diets for losing and gaining weight, and love to write about his experiences. he hopes you enjoyed reading his article and maybe learned something from his passion.

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Losing Weight, For Good

Losing weight is not that hard. Most of us are able to do it, and do it often. The problem is that usually, that weight comes back.
The reason behind this is because we change our lifestyle to lose weight, but when we do lose it, we go straight back to living like we did when we were fat, and we gain all the weight back, with worst interest than one offered from a loanshark.
None of these work long term
So, we have all these bright ideas on how to lose weight, from eat only carbs to don't eat carbs, from eat a breakfast every day to never eat a breakfast, from eat multiple small meals per day to eat only once a day.
Man, where do these "experts" get off? Yeah, you will lose weight, of course. You will because it all works short term. But, if you stopped eating carbs or ate only carbs for a year, I imagine you would be sick.
The solution is...
The solution to losing weight forever is fairly simple, yet most people don't do it for one reason or another.
Basically, all you need to lose weight is to eat less, but still a moderate amount of healthy food, and workout more.
After you lose weight, keep doing what you were doing to lose it! Common sense, right?
All the help you need
You really just need to stick to a natural, healthy program. Eat quality foods, eat enough but not too much, take a walk each day or hit the gym, that's it.
But, in order to stay motivated you may benefit from outside help. You can use your spouse or friends to nudge you in the right direction when you need it, or undergo hypnosis or use the power of positive affirmations.
All of that helps you stay mentally strong and focused, so you don't slip up. Once you do, it is way too easy to go back to the old lifestyle that you "ran" away from in the first place.
I love to use hypnosis to help keep me motivated. It is a natural way of aligning my subconscious thoughts with my conscious desires. And, it presents a great way to relax, too.
What hypnosis does is help me relax and enter a "hypnotic" state, which basically means that I am completely relaxed and focused.
Then, it would offer me suggestions which I would accept much more easily than if I was tense and nervous. And that's it.
No matter what help you use to stay consistent with your goal, I advise you to take a natural approach and alter your lifestyle slightly so the weight loss becomes permanent.

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Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely at Home

Because of these economically difficult times, people no longer go to gyms, hire personal trainers, purchase costly equipment or follow diet plans to lose weight. They have become more practical, thus they try to lose weight in their house. Here are tips on how to lose weight fast and safely at home effectively.
Prior to performing a weight loss program at home, you need to speak to your doctor. He shall assess your overall condition and see if you are indeed fit enough for this endeavor. He shall also give you tips about home weight loss.
You will need to alter your diet because a healthy one is the vital part to safely and quickly lose weight. The foods you take in should be enriched with fiber and these consist of fruits, veggies and whole grains. Fiber eliminates toxins from the body and it is actually these toxins that help in fat buildup. It also makes you feel full for a long time which makes weight loss easier. When you eat fresh fruit always, you will see yourself shedding off weight fast. You can also eat oatmeal which is filled with so much fiber.
Eliminate foods from your house which shall tempt you to eat unhealthily. Remove fatty, sugary and other foods that shall make you gain weight and poorly affect your health. Most of the time, you are at home so you need to take away things that would tempt you and make you stray. Clear your kitchen and pantry of these foods and instead place healthy alternative such as fruits, veggies, low-fat cheese and wheat crackers.
Look for ways to move around vigorously at home. You can dust your house and see that 147 calories shall be burned off every hour. You can also go out into the yard and rake away those falling leaves. To help you burn more calories, you can clean your rain gutters. Jogging in your neighborhood for half an hour every morning is also a way on how to lose weight fast and safely at home.
While watching TV, you can perform crunches during commercial breaks. While you are talking on the phone, do some arm curls. As you stir your soup on your stove, do some lunges. Find ways to move your body while at home so that you do not stop burning calories.
You can do weight-training at home using items in your house. If you have a gallon of milk, lift it up fifteen times a day. Have two gallons and hold a gallon in each hand. You can also use soup cans as well as other heavy items found in your kitchen as exercise equipment.
Make sure you get support from your family because a support system is important in weight loss. Your family can dance with you or play ball with you on the yard to keep you moving. They should also be encouraged not to eat unhealthy food in your presence.
Who says weight loss is expensive when you can try these tips on how to lose weight fast and safely at home?

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3 Healthy Carbs That Can Help You Lose Weight

The term "carbs" is a short form for "carbohydrates". There are several food items that are referred to as "carbs". Some of them contain healthy starch or sugar while others don't. To maintain healthy living, one must develop the habit of eating healthy carbohydrates on a daily basis. Given below are 3 healthy carbs that can help you lose weight with ease.
1. Brown Rice
Brown rice is among the best whole grains that contain quality nutrients. It's known for having enough fiber and other minerals that help in weight control. Regular intake of brown rice can engender weight loss. The food item can be cooked or fried. It can be prepared with nice stew. It can also be cooked with coconut. One can eat it with vegetable salads and fruits. It's always very possible to lose weight very fast when you eat brown rice with quality vegetables. You can eat it with spinach, avocado, broccoli, carrot and other veggies. You can also eat it with quality fruits like banana, pineapple and grapefruit.
2. Quinoa
Quinoa is a unique carbohydrate that helps in weight loss. It contains starch, amino acids, fiber and other minerals. It helps in regulating the level of fat in the human body. It can be cooked like rice and other edibles. It can be eaten with any good source or salad. To get faster results in weight loss, you need to eat it with healthy vegetables and fruits.
3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is usually prepared with rolled oats. It's one of the best carbs that ensure quick weight loss. It can easily be prepared through cooking. Oats are known to be very rich in fiber and other minerals. They prevent high blood pressure. They also prevent diabetes, stroke, cancer and heart diseases. They equally help in building the body muscles. You can eat well prepared oatmeal with a good source. You can also eat it with salad and other vegetables. You can easily slim down when you keep eating oats on regular basis.
Aside from the above, there are other healthy carbohydrates that help in weight loss. You won't have quick results when you eat only such food items. You still have to eat them alongside other nutritious food products. If you're thinking of slimming down with ease, you need to be consuming healthy carbs with enough vegetables and fruits. You should also maintain a healthy eating plan in order to see better results.

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Different Strategies - Stop Loss Orders

Being obese can take years off your life and in some cases may be as dangerous as smoking, a new study says. British researchers at the University of Oxford analyzed 57 studies mostly in Europe and North America, following nearly one million people for an average of 10 to 15 years. During that time, about 100,000 of those people died.
The studies used Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that divides a person's weight in kilograms by their height squared in meters to determine obesity. Researchers found that death rates were lowest in people who had a BMI of 23 to 24, on the high side of the normal range.
Health officials generally define overweight people as those with a BMI from 25 to 29, and obese people as those with a BMI above 30.
The study was published online Wednesday in the medical journal, Lancet. It was paid for by Britain's Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and others.
"If you are heading towards obesity, it may be a good idea to lose weight," said Sir Richard Peto, the study's main statistician and a professor at Oxford University.
Peto and colleagues found that people who were moderately fat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. People who were morbidly fat - those with a BMI above 40 - lost about 10 years off their expected lifespan, similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.
Moderately obese people were 50 percent more likely to die prematurely than normal-weight people, said Gary Whitlock, the Oxford University epidemiologist who led the study.
He said that obese people were also two thirds more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke, and up to four times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. They were one sixth more likely to die of cancer.
"This really emphasizes the importance of weight gain," said Dr. Arne Astrup, a professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen who was not linked to the Lancet study. "Even a small increase in your BMI is enough to increase your risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer."
Previous studies have found that death rates increase both above and below a normal BMI score, and that people who are moderately overweight live longer than underweight or normal-weight people.
Other experts said that because the papers used in the study mostly started between 1975 and 1985, their conclusions were not as relevant today.
Astrup worried that rising obesity rates may reverse the steep drops in heart disease seen in the West.

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Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

If you are on a quest for information concerning weight loss methods and techniques, you have probably noticed that a plethora of so-called information exists concerning this subject. Entire sections of bookstores are devoted to books on fad diets and other weight loss oriented subjects, and looking online for weight loss tips will unleash a flood of advice and tips concerning the latest dietary trends. Unfortunately, fad diets are usually just another way that someone's trying to get your money. If you ever heard your grandmother say that the only way to lose weight is to take in less calories than you burn and that no magic potions that will make the pounds melt away exist, your grandmother was right. She was also correct, though, when she said that healthy ways to lose weight have the best long term results.
Consider Nutrition When Purchasing Items for Snacks
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to make every calorie count. Instead of going on a fad diet that will only result in weight loss in your wallet, try cutting the majority of empty calories out of your daily food and beverage consumption. Instead of that fizzy, sugar-laden soda, pick up a glass of pomegranate juice. Have a couple of small squares of dark chocolate to satisfy that sweet tooth instead of a large candy bar. Small amounts of chocolate are actually good for you, but most supermarket chocolate bars don't contain enough of the right kind of chocolate. Look for dark chocolate that is over 70 percent pure cocoa.
Cutting snacks that contain little more than empty calories out of your diet can be done suddenly and completely, but many people prefer to gradually taper off rather than go cold turkey. If you choose this approach, make certain that you have a specific date in mind for your diet to be relatively junk food free. You'll probably find that you'll crave these sorts of items less and less as you incorporate more healthy alternatives into your daily diet.
Healthy Meal Planning
As far as meal planning, one of the major keys to finding healthy ways to lose weight is to consume as few processed foods as possible. Use fresh fruits, vegetables and meats in your meal preparation instead of mixing together meals that come in boxes from the grocery store shelves. Visiting your community's farmers market is an excellent way to get some healthy, locally grown and delicious produce into your kitchen. An excellent protein source that packs a high nutritional punch yet is low in calories is Pacific salmon. Including grilled or poached salmon in at least two meals per week is a great way to explore healthy ways to lose weight.
There's no miracle cure that works for losing weight as well as simply eating for good health and being reasonably active in your daily routine. Ride your bike or walk instead of getting behind the wheel, eat fresh, local foods whenever possible, and make a lifelong commitment to good health. The pounds will come off, but they'll be a secondary effect of living a healthy lifestyle.

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