What Does It Take To Lose A Pound of Weight?

Losing weight may be a struggle for you, possibly continually going through the see-saw effect. Lose a couple pounds in a few weeks, gain a couple pounds in the following weeks. Often this occurs because folks don't truly realize how this process actually works which is one reason for the fluctuation in weight from month to month.

If you're a numbers person, here's a stat for you. For every 3,500 calories you get rid of, one pound of weight will leave your body. That may or may not sound easy to do, but let's take a closer look at what this actually entails.

When nutrition is a priority, that means each day an appropriate amount of food enters the body. Depending on your age, gender, body type, and activity level, that total generally ranges anywhere from 1,400-2,500 calories per day.

Once you have your daily calorie total, if that number is maintained daily you will stay at your current weight neither gaining nor losing weight. Since we want to lose weight in a healthy manner, that means our goal each day is to stay a tad under our daily calorie allowance.

This is essentially known as creating a calorie deficit which translates to weight loss.

When you are able to finish the day with a calorie total less that your baseline amount, that deficiency will chip away at the weight on your body. When your deficiency over a number of days totals 3,500, you will have successfully lost one pound of weight.

As you can see, this is a cumulative process especially since it is not healthy or advisable to try and rid your body of 3,500 calories in a day. But you also need to be aware of the small successes you do accomplish so you don't lose all your positive steps forward in one careless splurge.

Say for instance you create a deficit of 500 calories for 5 days in a row for a total of 2,500 but then on the 6th day you go wild and have a night "out on the town" and take in a whopping total of 4,000 calories for the entire day.

With this once lapse in control you unfortunately wiped out those 5 days of healthy eating with that one splurge.

Granted that's an extreme exaggeration and hopefully most of us don't go hog-wild on a weekly basis, but think about your current regular eating habits and what you typically consume on a regular basis. You may find when you truthfully tally up what's eaten daily, you may be surpassing your daily calorie allowance which in turn means you are gaining weight regularly.

Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating Ebook just for stopping by at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/programs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About The Nutrisystem Diet

The Nutrisystem diet is a well-known weight loss meal delivery diet that focuses on comfort foods like chocolate ice cream, pasta, burgers and lasagna to help you lose weight.
You get breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack every day - plus veggies and fruit that you can add in yourself.
Not sure about the Nutrisystem diet plan? This article will answer the most commonly asked questions people have about this popular diet.

#1 How Do I Start The Diet?
It's very easy. Once you order, you'll receive 28 days worth of specially made, nutrient-enriched breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.
Each meal is color-coded and you get instructions on how to follow the diet and what added veggies and fruits to add into your meal plan.
You eat 6 times a day every 2 - 3 hours so you don't get hungry.
#2 What Meal Options Do I Have?

You can choose from over 150 different meal options including pizza, burgers, mac and cheese, bars, shakes, sandwiches, waffles, muffins, cereals, wraps and more.
Plus there are some scrumptious treat options like chocolate brownie sundae, carrot cake, ice cream sandwiches and more.
Nutrisystem offers the option to get pre-selected meals or you can customize your plan to choose the dishes you prefer.

#3 What Kind of Weight Will I Lose?
Most people lose from 1 - 2 pounds per week on this diet.
Plus with the Fast 5 introductory week (included with your order), you can jump-start your plan and lose about 5 pounds your first week!

#4 Tell Me About the Different Plans
The Basic Plan is under $10 a day and the meals are selected for you based on customer popularity. You get online support but no phone counselling option.
The Core Plan is under $11 a day and you can customize the plan yourself with your favorite meals. You get both phone counselling and online tools.
The Select Plan is under $12 a day and offers you more food options, including more gourmet fresh/frozen meals. You get phone counselling and online tools.

#5 Are These Meals Gluten Free?
While some menu items use gluten-free ingredients, this diet is not necessarily completely gluten free and not recommended for those with serious gluten allergies.

#6 Can I Drink Alcohol on this Diet?
Because of the high calorie content, alcohol is not recommended on this diet.Sorry!

#7 How Do I Avoid Gaining The Weight Back After The Diet Is Over?
Nutrisystem has both Transition and Maintenance plans after you've reached your goal to help you transition onto every day foods without regaining the weight.

#8 Do I Have To Workout On the Nutrisystem Diet Plan?
Nutrisystem encourages people to get at least 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every week. To help you do this, they added the My Daily 3 program
My Daily 3 aims to help you achieve 30 minutes of exercise each day, whether all at once or spread out during the day (10 or 15 minutes at a time).

#9 Can I Drink Coffee or Diet Sodas?
Yes, calorie-free or very low calorie drinks like coffee, tea, and diet sodas can be used as unlimited extras.

#10 Do Meals Require Refrigeration?
Except for the frozen meals on the Select plan, Nutrisystem meals do not require refrigeration. They're like the foods already in your pantry like chili, soups and pasta bowls.
So those are ten of the most commonly asked questions about the Nutrisystem diet. You have a lot of choices when it comes to choosing a diet program. Take your time and find one that fits your lifestyle, budget and goals!
Want to know more? Discover the Top Rated Nutrisystem Meals Here Or Click Here for the 3 cheapest diets that deliver to your home!

A Healthy Thanksgiving - Don't Eat 5,00 Calories In One Day!

The majority of us will be spending the Thanksgiving holiday with close family and friends next week. Likely this means an enormous feast of the traditional fixings you've come to look forward to over the years. These are blessed and cherished times that should be enjoyed with loved ones, however if you have been focusing on developing and maintaining healthy habits, here are a few tips to help you stay in relative control when turkey day does finally arrive.
Watch Out For the Snacks and Beverages
One of the most difficult aspects to overcome during holidays are the snacks and beverages. Most snacks, particularly holiday-type snacks, are decorative sugar-based creations that are meant to get you into the holiday spirit rather than be nutritious for the body.
It wouldn't be too harmful if the person would have self-control and limit themselves to just one or two of these bite-sized delights, but far to often, handful after handful are tossed into the mouth throughout the day without much thought being given to what's happening.
Granted our attention is often focused on either lively conversation with people who you may not have seen in some time, or possibly on one of the many sporting events being shown on the television. Just keep in mind that every snack and drink you put into the body has a calorie amount. These calories at the end of the day will be tabulated and even though you are not likely to stay around a healthy amount, you don't really want to have this day turn out to be a 5,000+ calorie event. Remember, by this time you haven't even arrived to the main Thanksgiving dinner course yet either so watch out for those snacks and drinks.
Your Main Meal Selections
Once the Thanksgiving meal starts, depending on how well you controlled the snacks up to this point, the next hurdle to get over is the actual meal. If you have already been practicing healthy eating habits, you are well aware of the fact that drinking a large glass of water before eating will help keep your portion size in check. If you are able to do this on Thanksgiving day, try to stick with this habit as well.
Another healthy eating tip is to eat your Thanksgiving meal in a slow manner, as opposed to cramming everything into the body quickly and still feeling hungry thus going for a second helping. If you eat your food in a slower fashion you give your body the time it needs to process the amount coming in so you'll be less likely to overeat. Take your time and enjoy the conversation that will be going on at the table and you may be able to leave the table at the end of the meal satisfied that you did not go way overboard with the amount you put into your body.
If you especially want to keep the calorie count to a minimum, continue to drink water throughout your meal and you'll find this is your best ally in maintaining a proper portion size.
Desserts and Sweets
Sometime after dinner holiday Thanksgiving desserts will likely be served. Most traditionally pumpkin pie however you may also find quite a number of other pies, muffins, cakes, ice cream and pastry options will be offered.
If you've been able to make it this far through your Thanksgiving festivities in relative control, congratulations! Just be leary about the size and amount of dessert you select for yourself. There's nothing wrong with taking only half a slice of pie, or limiting your ice cream to just one scoop and avoiding the chocolate syrup topping.
Again, drinking water may help take away the craving to put anything more into your body. Desserts can be deceiving given they are generally quite small in size, but pack quite a substantial calorie amount. Take for example the popular Applebees Delectable Dessert option the Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae. This treat only costs $5.99 yet you'll find it has a whopping 1,540 calories!
Do you really think this is going to be healthy for the body especially after eating a large meal?
That's almost enough calories for an entire day crammed into a small 5 inch wide slice of dessert. This is one of the main dangers desserts present and why it's a good habit to try and avoid them as often as possible.
One final option you have is to see if you can't share with someone else and put their portion directly onto a separate plate so it's not in front of you any longer. At least this way you'll cut out half the calories from this dessert.
Be also aware if you have to deal with leftovers especially if the Thanksgiving festivities take place at your home. That's why for some, even though the Thanksgiving holiday is actually just one day, it still may find a way to wreck havoc on a health and fitness goal for a couple of weeks. Enjoy the time with family and friends, but enjoyment does not mean you have to stuff your mouth to the point of overeating day after day.
Hopefully you will not completely stray away from your plan, especially since you will be the one who will have to deal with the unfortunate repercussions - weight gain.
Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating Ebook just for stopping by at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/programs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8816758

The Principles of Diet to Lose Weight Successfully

To lose weight successfully with a more scientific diet, you should remember the following necessary principles of the daily diet. These principles will be your secret of successful weight loss. Let's see now!
Eat three meals a day
The principle of weight loss: Some people believe that skipping a meal can reduce the food intake of this meal. According the health experts, this viewpoint is totally wrong. The long interval between meals will make the brain accumulate energy for the next meal. It means that if you skip a meal, you will eat more in the next meal so the body will store more fat. Actually, when you skip a meal, it does not mean that you will reduce the energy of that meal.
Steps: Adjust the habit of eating. Eat three meals a day.
Prolong the meal time
The principle of weight loss: You should eat a meal in 20 minutes because the brain takes 20 minutes to let you know if you are full or not. Therefore, the experts recommend that you should eat slowly in 20 minutes to lose weight successfully. The medical experts said that regularly eating too fast will adversely affect the intestinal tract and stomach.
Steps: You hold chopsticks with your left hand to eat slowly.
Drink broth before meals
The principle of weight loss: You should drink broth before meals. This is relatively consistent with the health concept and helps you lose weight. This weight loss method is very popular and effective. If you eat foods in a correct order, you won't feel hungry and concurrently reduce your taste for snacks.
Steps: Firstly, you should drink plenty of broth which is low in energy. The amount of broth will quickly bring satiety to you. Next, you will eat vegetables. Boiled ones are the best. Finally, you eat the main foods such as bread, rice, meat, fish, and eggs. Applying these steps will help you lose weight successfully.
Chew food thoroughly
The principle of weight loss: If you chew carefully, the brain still receives the signal that you're full though you eat little. If you regularly eat too hurriedly due to your job, you won't have the feeling of fullness though you ate too much. As a result, you will absorb a very large amount of energy into the body and are at risk of weight gain.
Steps: You should chew 30 times before swallowing. Although you do not eat much, you still feel full.
Brush your teeth after eating
The principle of weight loss: Brushing your teeth after meals to lose your appetite is a great method to lose weight. After brushing the teeth, you will feel very comfortable and not want to eat more food to spoil such a feeling.
Steps: Use your favorite toothpaste and toothbrush to brush your teeth right after meals. You can also use mouthwashes with a fruity flavor to reduce appetite and to lose weight successfully.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luna_Nguyen

Things You Need To Know About Subliminal Weight Loss

A lot of people at some point wish to be thinner. Some would go as far as starving oneself just to make sure he or she no longer gets additional fats. But ultimately, those who think that food deprivation is an effective means to curb extra weight, is bound to learn it the hard way. There is no shortcut to losing weight. It requires a process. And when that process fails, the more one succumbs to despair accompanied by unmindful eating.

Individuals who are struggling to keep their health intact amidst the hectic schedule at work and at home are doing good. But they may not be doing fine in terms of health. Fulfilling your social responsibilities is good, but this should not cost you your personal health. That is
subliminal weight loss programs are recommended to those who do not know where to start.

This method is new in the industry. And while it still receives a lot of criticisms from others, those who have tried investing time on it found the strategy helpful. All it takes is a complete set of listening modules lke CDs and mp3s available on a package and you are ready to go. You do not even need to be at somewhere special. You can be at your office and find time to listen to them.

In the absence of a proper mindset, you are encouraging more unnecessary cravings. This is why a lot of people have attested how dieting is only a waste of time. Others who fail after great efforts and time spent even decide not to do it again ever.

Unless you allow yourself to open up to other options, you will find yourself setting unnecessary limits for yourself. This is why fostering a healthy mind is necessary in achieving optimum health. Once you have it, everything else comes in on their right place.

Subbliminal messages address this issue by targeting your subconscious mind. The things found inside the package will comprise of CDs containing patterned audio messages which are most likely inaudible to the normal hearing capacity. The point here however is not to decipher what the messages contain. The whole point is for you to listen and to allow the patterned and arranged audio to work their way on your brain.

Keep in mind that it is the subconscious that we are focusing here and not your conscious mind. The latter makes sense of things. It is aware and has the tendency to resist things which are against its current beliefs.

The subconscious mind functions differently. It does not ask questions. It accepts what is presented and use it. Subliminals are created with this in mind. It has some sort of power thoughts embedded on its recordings geared to giving your positive thoughts about losing weight.

It is a given that losing weight can be a daunting process. But if you know what to do and trust your thoughts about them, then things will turn out fine. Also, there is no need to fret about how you failed many times before.
It is all in the past. Move on.

A Best Weight Loss Workout You Can Live With!

The pursuit advantageous weight loss workout can be elusive. We all want the best however exactly how do we actually know? There are standard components usual to exceptional exercises that can be easily determined.

A lot of trainers concur that aerobics, isometrics, stretching, and weights prevail parts of workout plans. Perhaps, however the real question ought to probe the concept of one, finest plan for all.

Among the first bubbles we have to rupture is the notion that there is one "finest" weight loss program. What is finest for one may be totally inappropriate for another. Elements such as the quantity of weight to be lost, the time aspect involved, targeting certain areas of the body, age, muscle mass to be obtained and the temperament of the specific losing the weight all end up being significant and need to be considered.

Many weight loss practitioners have put together prepares based upon a variety of specific components. These workouts vary from the mild to the wild. If your tastes have a tendency toward the mild side you would maybe gravitate toward a program including walking, dancing, and Tai Chi. On the other hand if a more aggressive program suits your requirements you would probably incline a plan of weights, progressive resistance training, running, and Pilates.

Most likely the greatest element is exactly how overweight you are. A morbidly overweight individual ought to have an exercise strategy rather different from one who wants to lose her love handles.

Without a doubt the best method to anyone wanting an optimal weight loss exercise plan would involve hiring a certified fitness instructor who might help in developing a specific program that finest matches your needs and goals.

The trainer can further deal with your everyday routines to optimize the exercise experience. In this approach ensure that the weight loss workout program is both meaningful and satisfying or it might not do well.