How to Lose Weight Effectively?

Biscuits, chocolates and drinks can give you more calories. After eating a chocolate bar your hunger is not satisfied. We all know the secret to weight loss. It is the only real secret there. You should burn more calories than you intake. That's it. If you are hungry or unsatisfied, you will eat something. Calories you don't need. Well! what should we do? I am going to guide you step by step through the weight loss procedure while providing you with good food choices. Eat fibers Why should you eat fibers? Here are some facts to answer your question. Fibers provide you vitamins, calories, proteins and minerals. Unlike other foods, fiber takes long time to be digested. So you will not feel hungry for a long time. It takes more effort and time to chew fibers. A diet high in fiber will reduce your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and heart diseases. Vegetables and fruits provide fibers. Vegetables are a good source of many vitamins. Vegetables are mostly water. It makes veggies a really healthy diet. What should be your choice to eat fibers? Pasta Cereals Salads Beans Pasta Pasta has a high nutrition of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are digested very quickly leaving you hungry, however pasta can also provide you healthy nutrients. Whole wheat pasta is healthier because it contains unprocessed whole wheat flour which means natural bran, fiber, vitamins and minerals remain intact. Pasta is healthy and tasty as ever before. Whole wheat pasta is the only healthy option when you are choosing pasta diet. Cereals We all know, breakfast plays an important role in daily activities. Healthy breakfast means a healthy life. A good breakfast can make you feel energetic throughout your daily routine. Cereals can provide you vitamin B, zinc, iron, grains etc. Cereals have low fats and provide you with heavy nutrition. Salads Vegetables and fruits are a great source of fibers. They also provide us with vitamins and many other essential nutrients. You should take 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-6 servings of vegetables per day. Salads will help you maintain a low cholesterol level. For your weight loss efforts salad is necessary. Taking green salads daily can give you Vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Well! These are all good reasons to include salads into your daily life. Beans Eating beans can prevent heart diseases. Beans can provide you protein, carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants and many other essential vitamins and minerals just like iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and folate. Here are somethings you should avoid in your daily diet: White bread White rice Spaghetti Sandwich rolls Friends! Ban these above mentioned things in your life. Leave white bread. Switch to whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole wheat or whole grain breads. So now, your chicken sandwich should take the form of chicken salad. A really healthy diet to introduce in your life. Add these little tips in your life and avoid these mentioned foods. You will notice your self losing weights in days. Thanks for reading! I am a weight loss expert. For free weight loss tips, information and updates please visit my site at Article Source: Article Source:

How to Lose Weight Using the Real and Simple Methods

The question of how to lose weight using the real and simple methods has been doing the rounds since many decades, without yielding any significant answers. Whether it is for the purpose of an upcoming event or holiday, or simply to maintain a healthy body, people are caught up in a constant weight loss struggle. Regardless of the number of quick fix weight loss plans and fad diets you follow, you will not be able to achieve the desired results, until and unless, you maintain the healthy balance between the amounts of calories consumed and burned. If you wish to know how to lose weight fast without straining yourself too much, then controlling your eating habits is the most effective way to do so. Your kitchen is the best place to begin with your weight loss exercise. Banish all white grain products, such as, white breads, white rice, sandwich rolls, spaghetti, etc. from your daily diet. In addition to this, do away with added sugars, dairy foods and animal fats as well. Cutting down on all these food items will instantly bring down your body weight by a few pounds. On the contrary, you can find the most suitable answer to the problem of how to lose weight using the real and simple methods in natural and organic food products, like, green leafy vegetables, fruits, soy products, fish, egg whites, lean meat and non-fat dairy products. These foods are a rich source of all the important vitamins and nutrients, and will make you feel full. Additionally, you can even maintain a food journal so as to keep track of what you are eating. This will help you remain focused on your goal. A good way to jump-start your metabolism and flush out the excess toxins from your system is by drinking as much water as you can. Water is the only drink that has zero carbohydrates and calories, thus becoming the perfect slimming drink. If you do not like the taste of plain water, you can experiment with it by adding mint leaves or lemon juice. In case you are looking for ways to achieve fast weight loss, you will have to supplement the change in your eating habits with a regular exercise regime. It is recommended to go in for a balanced mix of cardio and strength training to work out all the muscle groups of your body. The idea is to pace yourself, but not too much so as to avoid getting injured. One way in which you can intensify your exercise routine is through interval training - a perfect blend of high and low intensity workouts. It is true that in today's fast paced life fad diets sound quite tempting as a means to attain your weight loss goals, particularly if you need to lose a lot of weight. However, the deal is to lose weight, but do so in a healthy manner so that it does not make you fall prey to some other chronic diseases. Article Source:

Weight Loss Leading to Weight Gain?

When you hear the phrase "create a healthy body for myself", what do you immediately think of? Weight loss. You may begin to wonder, "What kinds of diets will I have to do? How much exercise is this going to take? I've tried to lose weight before... it feels like a roller coaster ride to me... "
Healthcare professionals particularly struggle with excess weight. Researchers at the University of Maryland's School of Nursing found that 55 percent of the 2,103 female nurses they surveyed were obese, citing job stress and the effect on sleep of long, irregular work hours as the cause (Journal of Nursing Administration (volume 41, issue 11).
When you hear the words "weight loss" what comes up for you? What memories do you have associated with losing weight? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you feel guilty, ashamed, or pressured? Why do these two little words carry such heavy meaning?
I want to share with you a perspective that one of my nurse colleagues gifted to me. She passed it along from one of her teachers and now I pass it along to you. "Weight loss". When we look at the term in its most concrete form we are looking at "losing" something. Well, what happens when we lose something?
Picture this: You're on your way out to breakfast. As you head out the door you realize, "My keys aren't hanging on the key rack! Where are they?" Even though you used your spare to lock the house you're sitting at the restaurant saying, "They've got to be somewhere... now where did I have them last?" You can't even enjoy your meal! You don't rest until you have found your dislocated item.
We lose our car keys. We lose the remote control. We can't find our wallet. What do we do? Well, very quickly we start looking for it. The hunt is on! We're on a mad dash to "find" the very thing we've lost. We cannot rest until we've got it back in our possession. Haven't you experienced this before?
So who's to say the same things isn't happening with our weight? When we approach it from the terminology of "weight loss" are you setting yourself up to go looking for it? If you can't find your weight, could it be true- that because of past behaviors and patterns- you're unconsciously trying to find it?
Instead try appreciating the body you have right now, the health you do possess. This will help you move towards your vision of ideal health. Just think about these concepts for a bit and reflect upon them this week.
Are you trying to lose something, but sabotaging yourself because deep down you always want to find what you lost? Or can you accept that having a healthy body is here and now. Envisioning the ideal body can move you even closer to the total health you are embracing into your life. Create that picture of what you DO want and move yourself each day towards it.

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Weight Loss Ideas for Women - Turbocharge Your Metabolism: 3 Secrets to Lose Weight Quickly

Successful dieting needs some persistence and planning, the rewards will be worth it. You'll feel happier, more confident and more comfortable with yourself. Go on the internet or the library to find safe and effective weight loss ideas for women.
However, healthy slimming doesn't happen overnight. Give yourself at least a month to see significant improvement. Start a log book, with your beginning weight and the date, to be sure of improvements.
Be careful to weigh yourself only once a week, at the same time every day. For example, when you first wake up in the morning after your weight has stabilized from the previous days intake. Or perhaps when you go for the weekly meeting and weigh-in at Weight Watchers, or your local diet group.
If you think that one month is too long to see enough weight loss, remember that eating a good diet and exercising can be fun. Eating healthier foods and starting new habits will improve how you look and feel. You'll be happier, and more comfortable with yourself. Looking healthier, slimmer, and wearing better fitting clothes will be a bonus.
How can you turbocharge your metabolism to achieve an effective and healthy weight loss?
3 Secrets to Drop Those Extra Pounds, and Surprise Your Friends:
Secret 3: Follow a Fat Burning Diet
Secret 2: Aerobic Exercises
Secret 1: Strength Training Workouts
Secret 3: Follow a Fat Burning Diet
A good fat burning diet includes all the foods that help to speed up your metabolism and boost your body's ability to burn excess calories. Research for foods like avocados, cinnamon, chilli, and dark chocolate, to find out how they can help boost your fat burning power and drop extra poundage.
Talk to a dietician about juice cleanses. This can help your digestive system eliminate toxins and other residues that inhibit your body from absorbing essential nutrients in your food. This will promote weight loss and is an effective way to detox.
Secret 2: Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercises cause your metabolism to work faster, and need more calories, and will maintain this increase for at a length of time even after the workout. These type of exercise help oxygenate your body tissues, and will boost your metabolism to make you burn more calories. Try bike riding, elliptical training, power walking, running, or swimming 4 to 5 times a week.
Secret 1: Strength Training Workouts
Strength training work-outs will also rev up your metabolic rate, and can be done 2 to 3 days each week. Lift weights or wear ankle weights while power walking. Push-ups and abdominal crunches daily can also increase your metabolism for the rest of the day.
Strength training increases your muscle mass, and muscles burn up more calories than fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn.
3 Secrets to Drop Those Extra Pounds, and Surprise Your Friends:
Secret 3: Follow a Fat Burning Diet
Secret 2: Do Aerobic Exercises
Secret 1: Do Strength Training Workouts
A safe rule of thumb is that a successful weight loss plan is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. So reconsider, before eating foods high in sugar and fat.
If you've done good dieting plan research and purchased a great diet book, course, or membership, and taken some time to craft a sensible dieting plan, you'll be able to stay on track. Look around on the internet or go to the library to find safe and effective weight loss ideas for women.

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Being In The Mood For Weight Loss

Many people eat because they are bored or they eat because they are stressed. Many people spend their lives either stressed or bored so they really find themselves in a no win situation, and gaining weight can make people become even more stressed and self- conscious so they lock themselves away, become bored and keep on munching.
In order to really achieve their weight loss goals they've got to get out of this destructive routine.
Being overweight can very often start in the mind so it stands to reason that if you can get your mind healthy then a nice, slim body may follow. Aromatherapy can do a lot to help lift the mood and become less stressed, it can also help to suppress the urge of reaching to the fridge for a pick me up - you won't need a pick me up at all.
When thinking about aromatherapy and the different oils which can help your weight loss efforts it is important to remember that we are all different. Different people do react very differently to different oils - there is no one size meets all solution. Just because particular oil works for one person it really doesn't follow that it will work for everybody else.
Different oils also react differently depending upon how you use them. Oils can be inhaled, added to bathwater, massaged or burned, all of which can help to affect our moods.
The Oils Which Help Your Mood for Weight Loss
- Cravings - if you have a sweet tooth and are constantly craving candies and cookies try the sweet smell of Vanilla oil - the sweet smell should satisfy your craving for something sweet to eat.
- Stress - there are a number of different oils which may help to relax and calm the mind to combat stress. These include frankincense, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, grapefruit, geranium, rose, sandalwood, benzoin, bergamot, mandarin, vetiver and roman chamomile.
- Uplifting - if your spirits are in need of a boost then the sunny smell of jasmine oil can really help.
- Emotional baggage - there is nothing more likely to bring your mood down than a hefty portion of emotional baggage; many people carry it through their daily lives without even realizing that it's there. If you are bogged down with emotional baggage which is hampering your weight loss aspirations try juniper berry - it should help any baggage return firmly to where it belongs, in the past.
- Depression - can lead to over-eating, and over-weight can very often lead to depression. The oils which can help to combat depression and therefore weight loss include lemon, grapefruit, frankincense, clary sage, jasmine, ylang ylang, orange, geranium, sandalwood, and orange blossom.
- Confidence - people who suffer from weight problems very often have problems with confidence issues too. Oils which may help include bay laurel, cypress, bergamot, rosemary and orange.
If you have been battling with any of these symptoms and you feel that it's hampering your weight loss goals then why not try giving some of these aromatherapy oils a go. The only thing you have to lose is those extra pounds.

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Experimenting With Diets For Quick Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss diets, it truly is an all you can eat buffet of options out there. There are fruit-based diets for quick weight loss. There are protein-based options as well. Some focus on liquids. The truth is, when it comes to losing weight, the only limit is your imagination.
 How come? Almost all diets for quick weight loss focus on doing one of two things: either they help you drive down the amount of calories you eat every day, or they help boost your metabolism so you can burn more calories. The reason many weight loss diet plans' operations seem basic and limited is the fact that there are truly only three ways to lose weight. There are no other natural and non-surgical effective weight loss options outside of these.
First, you can reduce the amount of calories you eat every day while metabolizing the same amount of calories as you did previously. Second, you can eat the same amount of calories but workout harder to boost the amount of calories you burn. Third, and this is the most ideal option, you can reduce your calorie intake while increasing the amount of calories you burn through your daily activities and exercise.
 Most of the diets out there focus on the first half of the equation: reducing calories. Keep the following tips in mind when experimenting with diets for quick weight loss. You will quickly find out that some options are better than others.
Don't forget basic nutrition:
I know you're in a rush to lose weight and you have made up your mind to reduce our calorie intake so you can finally get the figure you've wanted for years. No problem with that. However, you have to make sure that while you drive down the number of calories you consume daily, you don't also cheat yourself out of vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins your body needs for optimal operations.
 While many people would rather use supplements, try to get these from natural sources. In fact, there are many healthy food options that don't have much calories Use these in your diet so you can reduce your total calorie intake while ensuring that you get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
Always factor in exercise:
Reducing food intake is the 'easiest' for many people to lose weight because it involves less effort than working out. However, you should factor in some exercise in your new diet and wellness regime. By boosting your body's ability to burn calories, you can lose weight faster. Paired with the right diets for quick weight loss, you can lose a lot of weight. Click link below to learn what else you have to factor in diet plans.
Click here to learn what other factors you need to know in diet plans.
Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way.

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Top Health Tips for Maximum Weight Loss

It is easy to dream about losing weight, however, it is a mammoth task if you can not give up your snacking habits and love your oily food sand dessert treats. By only listening to what your body has to say to you, you can easily have the body of your dreams. The tips outlined in this article will help you set better ways of achieving your desired wait, without having you to starve yourself to death and harming your body metabolism:
1. Eat only when hungry
Make a habit of checking in with your stomach to know if you are hungry before you eat. Learn to differentiate between cravings and hunger. Doing this will ensure you are eating out of real hunger instead of emotional hunger. It also brings you in touch with your body and you start noticing and understanding the signals your body is sending you.
2. Eat slowly and with complete concentration
It takes the human brain 20 minutes to know when your stomach is full, so actually you always eat for 20 extra minutes at each meal. Therefore, if we chew slowly and enjoy the food we are eating, not only we are more satisfied with the meal, but we also eat less. Savor the taste and let the flavors blend in your mouth. Make it an experience each time you sit down to eat by truly enjoying every bite of food. By doing this you will feel satisfied with lesser amount of food and won't have cravings throughout the day. You will also find it easier to resist cravings and the temptation to snack during the day.
3. Drink green tea
Green tea contains natural antioxidants which boost your metabolism and burns fat for faster weight loss. This by no means you can eat as many fries as you would like to eat every day. This part is most effective when coupled with watchful and intelligent eating!
4. Eat breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day. A good and nutritious breakfast ensures you have a full stomach and the energy to combat the day's stress which ensures you can resist temptation. On the other hand, an empty stomach makes you more inclined to reach for fatty foods and salty snacks.
5. Workout
This is one of the easiest and the most entertaining way of losing weight. This doesn't necessarily mean joining a gym or going out running if you don't like to. There are many excellent videos which provide easy directions and deliver the weight loss they promise. You have to remember that without exercising any weight loss you achieve will only be temporary.
These weight loss tips are guaranteed to work if you religiously follow them. They will get you to pass any weight loss plateau. The most important thing to remember is that you will only feel beautiful if you believe you are beautiful. So go easy on yourself!
Weight loss is a journey and like any journey you might trip somewhere around while pursuing the course, but the important thing is getting up and continuing, no matter what. With persistence any goal is achievable.
For more informative guide on top health tips and health tips blog visit

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3 Simple, Yet Powerful Steps to Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals

Successfully reaching your weight loss goals can depend on many things - here are 3 simple steps to help tip the balance in your favor!
Step #1: Start out Small...
When you get all fired up about losing weight, it´s easy to get caught up in the rush of the moment. In that initial burst of motivation you set grand goals and focus on the big picture. You´re convinced this is it - you´re finally going to lose that fat, once and for all!
And though there´s nothing wrong with setting big goals, what often happens is you begin to feel overwhelmed - sometimes even intimidated - as time passes... and progress is slow.
You wonder why you´re punishing yourself. You feel tempted to throw in the towel and trade your sneakers for a gallon of Ben & Jerry´s...
Stop right there!!
Yes, losing weight means making changes. Changes in your habits and changes in your lifestyle. But you can´t expect to make those changes overnight.
Trying to change a long-time habit from one day to the next can be a recipe for disaster. Yeah, you may be able to walk away from your favorite comfort food for a few days, maybe even a week or two but, in the end, the temptation may become too great.
Instead of trying to cut those (less than healthy) foods out of your diet all at once, choose ONE... and replace it with something healthier.
Do you like butter on your morning toast? Try substituting it with some natural peanut butter for a little added protein. Replace your white bread with a low-fat, whole-grain alternative. Reach for some fruit instead of that muffin when it´s time for your coffee break.
Start small. Make the changes bit by bit. And as days turn into weeks and weeks into months, you´ll be amazed at how much closer you are to achieving the weight loss goals you set out to begin with.
Step #2: Swap Bad Snacks for Good...
We all have bad habits but, when it comes to wanting to lose weight, snacking on the wrong things can be one of the worst!
Ideally, you should cut back on the snacking you do, but cutting it out completely often isn´t an option - especially in the beginning.
So, what can you do instead? Try modifying what may have been bad snack choices in the past so your snacking becomes a healthier habit for the future.
For example, if you´re like me, you may feel the (often overpowering!) urge to snack in the afternoons. Instead of trying to force yourself not to eat, try swapping bad snacks for good - substitute yummy fruit yogurt for that high-calorie chocolate pudding or a handful of sweet, juicy grapes for those fattening cookies.
Remember, snacking, itself, doesn´t have the power to sabotage your weight loss - it´s the choices you make that determine your success in the end.
Step #3: Knock Temptation Flat
When it comes to food, even the most determined dieter can feel threatened by temptation.
Have you ever had a piece of cake just sitting there on your kitchen counter? And every time you walk by, you swear you hear it calling your name? That´s temptation.
Or what about that unfinished bag of chips in the cupboard? Ever find yourself thinking, there are only a few... what harm can eating them do? Don´t fool yourself.
In fact, you don´t even have to battle temptation - if you take steps right from the beginning to knock it flat with this one-two punch:
First, get rid of those foods that keep calling your name! If you can´t eat just a little bit of something and feel satisfied, just make a point of not having it in the house at all.
And second, if you do feel the urge to splurge, choose an activity you enjoy doing and get moving! Dance, walk your dog, take your kids to the park, challenge yourself to a set of sit-ups, or grab that big basket of ironing you keep putting off and get to it!
All of these things will help you refocus your energy. Take your mind off food. And move you one step closer to finally reaching the weight loss goals you set for yourself!
The mother of 3 plus a husband, dog and cat, Kate is also what she likes to call a "fat loss survivor". She battled with her weight on and off for years before finally finding the answer she was looking for.
If you´re ready to stop looking and start losing, visit her website at where you can find smart fat loss tips & resources for the perfect you. Be sure to join her on Pinterest as well.

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10 Helpful Tips for Weight Loss

Overweight people often view weight loss as a dreaded but necessary process to undergo in their pursuit of improved health and body image. Lets re-frame weight loss and look at it as an opportunity to explore new foods and recipes, a fun way to get more movement in your life and a chance to stretch your vision of who you are and more importantly, who you are becoming. The following tips will hopefully tickle your fancy and help turn your weight loss journey into an overture to an ever-improving "you".
1) Transformation begins in the mind. Think "lifestyle" - not "diet", think "feel better in my body" - not "weight loss" and lastly think "I love myself enough to make whatever changes are necessary" - not "I hate my body so much I need to change".
2) Slow down to slim down. Practice mindful eating by engaging all your senses in the dining process. As you see, smell and anticipate your meal, pre-digestion begins. While chewing, focus on the texture, not just the taste and listen to the sound of your teeth shredding and grinding your food. Savor each bite and chew slowly and thoroughly (minimum 25-40 chews) before swallowing. Not only will this give your body time to realize it is getting full but it will also improve the absorption of nutrients.
3) Use the 80% Rule. The Japanese call it "Hara hachi bu" which means "Eat until 80% full". Not only will you lose weight but the caloric restriction will promote longevity.
4) Boost your metabolism with cold water and hot spices. Drinking ice cold water causes the body to warm the water which temporarily raises the metabolism. Taking a cold shower increases circulation and metabolism by bringing more blood to the capillaries. And while we're talking about "cold", shivering will raise your body temperature and hence, your metabolism. As for the "hot stuff", cayenne, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric have a thermogenic effect on the metabolism and help regulate blood sugar as well.
5) Turn your kitchen black and blue. Our earliest ancestors, while foraging for food, used black, blue and purple as warning signs of potentially lethal food. Because the color blue rarely appears in our food supply naturally, it has been shown to act as a drug-free appetite suppressant. Try changing the refrigerator bulb to blue or eating off blue plates. Perhaps you would prefer a black or blue tablecloth.
6) Eat more negative calorie food. Food that takes more energy to digest than the calories it provides includes: cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts), asparagus, leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, chili peppers, apples, berries, apricots, peaches, and pears.
7) Sleep your weight away. While you sleep your fat cells secrete a hormone called leptin, which suppresses the appetite and triggers the metabolism to burn more calories. For healthy weight and longevity women usually need at least 7 hours whereas men need about 8 hours of sleep.
8) Reduce stress. Our bodies respond to stress by producing a hormone called cortisol which encourages fat storage especially in the abdominal region. The following suggestions may help to reduce stress and enhance feelings of well-being:
  • Laughter is truly the best medicine. It strengthens the immune system, relieves tension and releases dopamine, a pleasure-producing hormone.
  • Spend time outdoors in harmony with nature.
  • Exercise daily. Moving your body should not be a dreaded task so choose activities that you enjoy.
  • Sing and dance to your favorite music.
  • Express your feelings with respect for yourself and others.
  • Practice mindfulness, living in the present moment.
  • Try a Yoga, Tai Chi or Meditation class.
  • Reduce caffeine and sugar consumption.
  • Recite positive affirmations.
  • Record your innermost thoughts in a journal.
  • Treasure moments with loved ones.
9) Eat more fiber especially at breakfast. It will help you stay full longer. Try eating only whole grains, a few servings per day. Include legumes, nuts and seeds in your diet but keep the portions small. Don't limit vegetables to mealtimes. Raw veggies can make a delicious snack. And lastly, eat the whole fruit rather than the juice.
10) Be gentle with yourself. Berating yourself only brings negative emotions and outcomes. Embrace the joy that an occasional indulgence brings and celebrate your accomplishments.
My name is Marilyn Bellantoni. I am a Certified Health Coach and owner of Ruby Fruit Holistics. Whether you would like to lose weight or are just trying to incorporate healthy eating habits into a hectic lifestyle, success is just a click away. Visit me at and request a free consultation today.

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Aerobics for Effective Weight Loss

According to a US study conducted recently, aerobics is the best solution for losing weight as it burns the excess calories. This is why aerobics remains one of the most popular ways to lose weight ever. Aerobic exercises not only help lose weight but also have long term health benefits. Also, aerobics can be fun and really enjoyable.
There are various kinds of aerobic routines, ranging from the step aerobics routine in which a raised platform is used to perform various exercises to the water aerobics in which movements are done in chest high warm water. Aerobics also include active sports like swimming, basketball, tennis, soccer etc.
Are you thinking of losing weight? Do you want to shed those extra pounds?
Here's why you should go for aerobics:
  • Burning Calories and Losing Weight:
It is a known fact that aerobic or cardio exercises help you maintain your weight. The excess energy required to perform aerobic or cardiovascular exercises is obtained from the calories that you get from consuming food and beverages. As a result, your metabolic rate is increased and high amounts of calories are burnt. Losing weight without any medical procedure requires you to burn more calories than you can consume. Along with reducing body fat, aerobics also reduces blood pressure.
  • Aerobics Help You Overcome The Sudden Cravings For Eating
Another reason why aerobics is such popular and effective in reducing weight is that it helps you overcome the erratic hunger pangs. This happens due to the increase in your leptin level which suppresses your desire to eat a lot. Leptin is a protein that balances appetite and metabolism thus regulating energy intake and expenditure.
Here are some statistics that would make the picture clear. An hour long low-impact routine can burn up to 545 calories and a more vigorous one can burn from 511 to 763 calories. Brisk walking for an hour can burn around 414 calories whereas running can help you burn up to 1,472 calories.
However, it must be kept in mind that if your aerobics exercise routine is not regular you might not be able to lose weight as desired. Also, if you consume enough extra calories to meet your increased energy needs you will fail to lose weight.
It is advisable to exercise at least three times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time in order to benefit from your aerobic exercises. Reduce intake of high fat food, sugary food and alcohol to avoid extra calorie intake.
Other benefits of aerobics are:
  • Releases the natural pain killers of your body.
  • Enhances immune system.
  • Increases agility and is also considered to increase your IQ.
  • Improves muscle strength.
  • Improves balance and coordination.
  • Reduces stress, thus resulting in better sleep patterns and no depression.
Aerobic exercises are certainly extremely beneficial not only for healthy weight loss but also for your overall well-being.
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