How To Lose Weight Without Dieting - 4 Simple Steps

You may have tried diets in the past that were unrealistic and unsustainable. Even though you may lose weight in the short term, you are normally left feeling miserable and heavier than ever with no permanent weight loss. It is a much better idea to make gradual changes (as opposed to drastic ones) to your lifestyle and eating habits. Let me show you how to lose weight without dieting.
Here are some simple changes that you can make to lose weight and get in shape:-
1. Learn The Art Of Portion Control
If you can master this one thing alone, then the weight will start to come off. You can eat almost anything in moderation, yes even tasty fatty foods. It is all about striking a good balance, not starving yourself. I was always bought up to show good manners by finishing everything on my plate. But in a world of huge portions and excess, this is the wrong thing to do. If you eat too quickly, you will miss the signal that your stomach sends to your brain to tell you that it is full. If you eat through this you end up bloated and stuffed. The best thing to do is eat slowly and enjoy every mouthful, once you start to feel full stop. It is crucial to know when to stop.
2. Drink Plenty Of Water
Sometimes we eat too much because we misread the signals our body is sending to us. It is easy to think you are feeling hungry when all you need is a drink and you are actually dehydrated. Drink water regularly throughout the day in order to stay hydrated and always have some with your meal.
3. Eat Breakfast Everyday
This is a simple thing to do, but it is very important. People who skip breakfast are much more likely to feel hungry throughout the day. This tends to lead to unhealthy snacking and weight gain. A healthy sugar-free breakfast with oatmeal, cereal, wholemeal bread or fresh fruit will set you up for the day ahead and keep hunger at bay.
4. Become More Active
It would be great if you have the time to embark on a new fitness regime, but if not even small changes can make a real difference to your weight and overall health. Start walking to work or park a little further from the office and walk in. Why not go for a brisk thirty minute walk in your lunch break. Start taking the stairs regularly instead of the elevator. If your job involves you sitting down for long periods of time, get up once an hour and take a quick five minute walk. At home why not swap an hour of television for a brisk evening walk or some light jogging? Once you become aware of how active your current lifestyle is, you can make daily changes.
So now that I have showed you how to lose weight without dieting, follow these simple steps and you will achieve permanent weight loss.

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