Weight Loss - 5 Easy Tricks To Lose Weight In The Next 2 Weeks!

If you have struggled in the past to lose fat and stumbled on your way to achieving weight loss success, then you should arm yourself with these 5 easy to implement tricks, and get ready to see some amazing results.
The way I see it, losing weight should not have to be difficult, so implement these tricks for at least the next two weeks and experience some amazing weight loss results for yourself!
Trick #1: Drink Water!
Even though you have heard this a million times, I can't stress this enough. Drinking water is essential to helping your body get rid of that undesired fat. So, from now on, or at least the next two following weeks, drink one half of your own bodyweight in ounces of water each and every day! So, if you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces of water, which is approximate to 12 8-ounce glasses of water. And make sure you spread your water income throughout the day, don't drink it all at once.
Trick #2: Eat more than 3 times a day!
Instead of eating 3 main meals a day, try separating your meals to maybe 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. This will help your body spend energy to digest the food, which helps you lose calories, and will also increase your metabolism making the process much easier.
Trick #3: Avoid foods that are white.
Foods like bread, pasta, crackers, flour based products, white rice, white potatoes, pasteurized dairy and cheese are foods that you should avoid completely for the following two weeks! And foods you can eat, even though they're white are: Cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, and white pork.
Trick #4: Wheat is a no no!
Don't eat anything if the word "wheat" is included in the ingredients list, so keep an eye on it. This includes things like pasta, bread, crackers, and cereal.
Trick #5: Keep those feet moving!
Exercise is as important as eating healthy if you want to lose weight and keep it off. So walk daily. Walk for 10 minutes a day, or even better 20 minutes a day. And remember to drink water before, during, and after to stay well hydrated. And so while listening to your favorite music, or along with a friend, to make the walk pleasant.
Losing weight can be simple, and all we have to do is take action now! So, remember to drink water daily, eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, avoid white foods, exclude whatever contains wheat, and walk forward and toward your weight loss goals! To your weight loss success!
Weight loss expert Joseph Green uses these tricks in his daily life to stay in shape. To learn more about weight loss, visit his website http://www.yourdietsolutions.weebly.com for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6161140

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