Low Fat Low Carb Diet:The High Fat-Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss and Maintenance

Since the 1950s , when Ancel Keys reported that dietary fat actually leads to problems of obesity and heart patients were in a real fat low kick  low fat low carb diet. It is well known that low in fat and rich in whole grains and vegetables diet is good for the whole body and definitely a healthy heart . low fat low carb diet The problem is that it's a lot of nonsense and I do not mean to munch popcorn .

This common misconception that eating fat makes people become keys fat was invalidated by itself in the actual study that was used to validate the contrary. low fat low carb diet Confused yet? Well, let's clarify . The study, which included 22 countries , has tried to reach a conclusion that there was a link between fat diet ( especially saturated fat ) and heart disease , high cholesterol and later went on to include cancer. low fat low carb diet Whew! That's a lot of bad things , right? Well seven of these countries with diets rich in fat , in fact have a high incidence of heart disease . low fat low carb diet What is not said is that a number of countries who ate large amounts of fat had less heart disease than countries that do not eat fat.

His theory has been refuted there on the spot  low fat low carb diet. So how can we still believe his original views ? Because he rejected the rest of the study and only given the information that goes with what he had tried to prove . low fat low carb diet He could have a closer look at the diet of seven countries to see what they ate together which may have been the cause of heart disease - because the data are not related to fat consumption . low fat low carb diet It did not . Instead of the most ridiculous and harmful thought it might have started . His bias towards your point of view, took the stage and incorrect information has been sent. Then we could have watched the news and saw that he was biased / false and ignored or considered quite bad. Instead  low fat low carb diet, we decided to pretend it was true and that is the gospel in terms of health and nutrition is concerned. The end result , rather than butter healthy and whole margarine milk fat , low fat low carb diet man made or hydrogenated fats and partially hydrogenated oils and weak imitations ; scare people to eat meat and fat real food , the food pyramid to show that people should eat 11 to 12 servings of grain products per day ( he actually says that you should eat more grains than vegetables !) . low fat low carb diet Doctors and medical associations began to force the regime problem worldwide with high cholesterol , heart disease or obesity. People still do not seem to lose weight. The fact is that the world  low fat low carb diet, especially the United States really began to pay higher rates of obesity . low fat low carb diet Now we are one of the most fertile in the world.

Failure to be a country of fat - is placed squarely on the people and not the misinformation that has been taught to follow. low fat low carb diet It has now been shown that there is in fact no correlation between fat intake and heart disease or high amounts of saturated pure bad cholesterol diseases. low fat low carb diet The actual information pointing unhealthy grain and high levels of LDL or bad cholesterol and heart disease hydrogenated oils, margarines, low fat low carb diet trans fats. Tricky huh ?

Too much of anything can be bad for you and this is only my opinion ( not scientifically proven ) but fearing fat and consumption of these scientific experiments parade as food does not interfere with health. low fat low carb diet Do not be fooled any longer and / or endanger their lives and health costs of vitamins that can be found in meat , oily fish or unhealthy saturated fat than meat pasture recovery , bacon, tallow , lard, fish oil, organic raw butter grazing virgin coconut oil . low fat low carb diet Brain function as fat and suffer without it. The best way to do so without feeling deprived that eating foods with little or no processing and eat as much as nearly as possible to its original form throughout the meal . low fat low carb diet I would say that the grain boundary as well , but that's another article all.

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